Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Roles and Responsibilities

The Governing Body, together with the Headteacher, is responsible for the strategic planning within the school, agreeing policy and procedures to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.

Our responsibility is to set the goals and strategy for the school. We are responsible for setting staffing levels, agreeing the school budget, ensuring the quality of the curriculum that is delivered as well as school premises related activities such as ensuring health and safety of everyone in the school.

The Governing Body is made up of parent governors (elected by the parents of pupils at the school), staff governors (elected by the staff), Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese), Local Authority appointed Governors and Associate Governors. The team is made up of a diverse group of people who all want to make Chester Blue Coat CE Primary School a success, with happy, achieving pupils.

The Governing Body operates within 3 sub committees that meet at least termly: Finance & Staffing, Teaching & Learning and Premises/Health & Safety. These committees feed back actions and recommendations to the full Governing Body which meets once a term.

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