Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Blatch

Miss Russell

Autumn Term


 The Year 2 Team:

Teachers- Miss Russell and Mrs Blatch

Teaching Assistant- Mrs Mason

SEN Teaching Assistants- Ms Kennedy and Ms Rossetti, Mrs Williamson, Miss Harris



troll mid term plan for website.png


Welcome to Year 2! 

Our first term together is all about TROLLS.

In literacy, we will use Troll Swap to help us write character descriptions and to consolidate adjectives.  We will start to expand our sentences and use expanded noun phrases to make our writing and descriptions much more interesting and detailed.  In the second half of the term, we will look at the text My Name is Not Refugee.  This will help us to write narratives about the personal experiences of others.

Maths looks at place value, addition and subtraction, number bonds and shape. Please seize every opportunity to assist with these at home.  Below are some great resources to help you at home should you need them.  

Science is all about animals.  Understanding that some things have lived and died and that other things have never been alive at all.  We will also look at the basic needs for all animals and learn that animals have offspring that grows into adults and look at basic food chains.

Our first school trip of the year will be linked to our History topic.  We will be exploring the bridges of Chester, looking at the changes in lifestyle around chester over time whilst deciding which bridge a troll would prefer to live under.

In geography, we look at arial photographs of our local area and link this to our history.  As well as looking at our specific location in regards to city, county, place in the UK, Europe and the world.

Should you need to email either class teacher please feel free to use the class email address below.  

For 2R use       for 2B use 


Events this term  


Trip- Bridges of Chester- Tuesday 24th September- during the school day.  Children to wear their school uniform, comfortable walking shoes and a waterproof coat.


A basic outline of the school day is also attached below. 

School Uniform

Whilst we want to make sure all pupils are comfortable and happy at school we do ask that all pupils come to school dressed in the correct school uniform, this includes PE Kits only being worn on the days pupils are doing these lessons.  This helps build our school community and provides unity among the pupils.  Please see the correct uniform requirements using the link below.



The children currently have 1 PE lesson per week - every Monday


On PE days, children should come to school in their School PE KIT:

>trainers/ pumps

>black or blue shorts/ leggings/ jogging pants (plain with no logos or pictures)

>a white tshirt

>a sweatshirt/ hoodie ( plain -no pictures)

Long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed. If this is not possible earrings should be covered with a plaster. Unfortunately, should your child come to school without covered earrings or their hair tied back they wont be able to join in with the lesson due to safety regulations. 



At Chester Blue Coat we expect every child will do their best and work incredibly hard at school throughout the day, so therefore we keep homework expectations to a minimum. 

However, in year 2, we expect children to complete regular reading and maths tasks at home, which are explained below. 

Reading homework

The expectations in year 2 is that each child should read at home at least four times a week. 

Please make a comment or just sign your child's reading record to show that your child has read.

Children also benefit greatly from listening to adults and older children read stories to them, so snuggle up and enjoy books together. Being read to, develop's children's understanding of story structure as well as vocabulary.

These videos from the Open University give top tips on how to share books with your child:

Reading Tips #1

Reading Tips #2



Please help your child to learn basic number facts, such as number bonds to 10, 20 or even 100.  

The children are expected to instantly recall the two amounts which equal 10, and recognise the inverse operation of the amount remaining when a number is subtracted from 10. The quick speed of recall is ver important. A great game which we use in school is Hit the Button.

Alternatively, dominio type games or matching cards can be made and played to increase the speed recall of basic number facts. There are some resources attached.


Spelling and Phonics

An explanation of the terminology used in school and the phonic knowledge your child is expected to have is attached below. 

Also, a list of 'common exception' words for Years 1 and 2 is attached too.  These are words that the children may not be able to use their phonic knowledge to spell.  They are words that tend to crop up regularly when they are writing and so it is helpful if the children learn how to spell them.  We have attached below some ideas for practising spellings with your child.  

If you need any help printing out resources, please speak to a member of the Y2 team.


If we feel that your child would benefit from some additional practice in reading, writing, phonics, maths or any subject, then we will approach you and ask for your help to complete work at home. 

If you feel your child would benefit from some additional work, please let us know and we will organise work pertinent to your child's needs. 

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