Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Prayer Spaces

Prayer Spaces

Prayer is important to us at Chester Blue Coat and very much a part of our daily life.

We have a specific Prayer Day/Afternoon each term during which we spend time reflecting on different aspects of prayer:

What is prayer?

Why do people pray?

 How/where do people pray?

What are the differences and similarities between how people of different faiths pray  – how do Muslims/Jewish people/Hindus pray?

How can prayer make a difference?

How has prayer made a difference to the lives of believers?

Children take part in prayer activities with a topical local/national/global theme. They learn why The Lord’s Prayer is important to Christians and what it means and of course we ensure our CBC prayer is learnt by the younger children through song and Makaton.


During the autumn term prayer day, classes also work on establishing a Prayer Space in their classrooms, which can then accessed daily by children who wish to use it. Please see a selection of photographs of our prayer spaces below. They display a range of creative activities that encourage personal reflection on issues such as forgiveness, injustice, thankfulness, big questions, identity and stillness.


 ‘Prayer spaces enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore life’s questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.’ Prayer Spaces in Schools



prayer 2.png

nursery prayer.png

prayer chain.png

CBC prayer.png

prayer 5.png







Prayer space.png  prayer space 9.png

prayer space 8.png  prayer space 7.png

  prayer space 10.png        prayer space 6.png 

prayer 6.png


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