Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Link Governors

The vision is in the centre of the link governor model, joined together by the values, which are separated into five key sections. Governors work together across the three terms, in these governor teams.

Christian Distinctiveness – This group, focusing on the school's vison, values and Christian Distinctiveness, will include teachers alongside the Governors, including Mrs Ellis-Rushton and Mrs Millington. Associated governors are Christine Burkett and Sue Richardson.

Mastery – This is focused on the core skills; numeric, verbal skills etc – all considered in one core mastery group, using Assessment for Learning (AFL). EYFS forms part of the Mastery group. Mr Hover (Curriculum), Mrs Ellis-Rushton (Maths) and Mrs Wilton-King (English) work alongside Paul Brand, Chris Mann, and Erin Elston

Everyone is Welcome – This is the inclusion group which will look at SEND as well as diversity. Staff in this group will include Mrs Martinez (SENDCo / EAL), Mrs Khalifa (Family Support), and Mr Hover. Ben Walker, Sufian Fannoun, Erin Elston and Chris Mann work in this group.

Creative Curriculum – This is looking at the foundation subjects and other areas, developing a broad and balanced curriculum and will have a key focus for each year eg. This year it will be Design Technology (Mrs Siddall) and Science (Mrs Price). The staff in this group will vary by year, based on the subjects covered. Susan Harrison, Christine Burkett, Paul Brand work in this group.

Outdoor Learning – This might change in the future, it is a focus this year. Susan Harrison, Christine Burkett work with Mr Hover, Mrs Fozard, Mr Wilson and Mrs FIsher (Forest School).


Other Key Governor Roles




Safeguarding and CLA

Mr Hover

Mr Brand


Mrs Martinez

Ms Elston

Pupil Premium

Mr Hover

Mrs Mann

Governor Training

Mr Hover

Mrs Boothroyd (Clerk)

School Council

Mrs Martinez

Mrs Harrison

Student Login