Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

What's in the news?

Every week, during our Wednesday collective Worship, we look at news stories from that particular week. The children are introduced to a topical question from the current news- locally, nationally or even globally! During the time of reflection, the children at Chester Blue Coat are asked to consider their own personal response to the questions posed.

Through the worship the children are exposed to a range of current issues including political, religious, cultural, environmental, social, moral and spiritual. Tolerance and respect are challenged through these discussions. 


Questions posed already this term include:

For Key Stage 2


For Key Stage 1


Core Value- Joy

British Value-Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Life is not the same for everyone. By listening carefully to the stories of others, we can understand and get to know one another better.

Theme- Special Books

Bible Link: Psalm 119:105

UN Rights of a Child- Article 13 Sharing thoughts freely.

Children have the right to share their thoughts and experiences freely. Governments must support this freedom of expression for children of all races.



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For Key Stage 1


Core Value- Hope

British Value-Individual Liberty

Unexpected events and situations happen in life that we cannot control. We can, however, choose how we respond to them and be responsible for our actions.

Theme- An unexpected turn...

Bible Link: Matthew 28:20

UN Rights of a Child- Article 18 Responsibility of parents

Parents or guardians are the main people responsible for bringing us up. They should always consider what is best for us and can help us if we are finding things difficult or facing something unexpected.



For Key Stage 2



Key Stage 1


Core Value- Justice

British Value-Mutual respect and tolerance

Our behaviour, actions and words can affect others. It is up to us to decide what kind of impact we want to have 
within our communities and beyond.

Theme- Our school community

Bible Link: Galatians 6:2


UN Rights of a Child- Article 2 No Discrimination

The UN Rights apply to all children, no matter their race, religion, language, or any other differences. Governments must ensure that all children have access to their rights and are protected against discrimination.







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