Session times and our nursery day
Our Nursery session times run as follows:
9am- 12pm - Morning session
12pm - 3pm - Afternoon session
What does a day in Nursery look like?
At 9 am children come in and join in with funky fingers activities. Funky fingers helps children to develop finger strength and the skills needed to get ready to hold and control scissors, pens, pencils and to be a mark maker and begin to form letters.
Then we get together for carpet time. This is learning which may be based around a story, phonics, maths, dancing - whatever the children need to learn next or have expressed interest in.
Next the children go off to do their 'jobs' or continuous provision. This is an opportunity for the children to choose where they wish to play and to take their interests further. Activities provided will be things the children know such as role play in the home corner, construction play but also new activities that will extend their learning and experiences. They will have access to indoor and outdoor activities and we go out in all weathers so appropriate footwear and coats are essential.
Snack time is a good opportunity for developing social as well as speech and language skills and the children are offered a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or water.
Towards the end of the session we encourage the children to tidy up both inside and outside.
Then we end the morning altogether with a carpet time of a story and songs.
Children that join us for the afternoon session will come in at 12 and have their packed lunch with their friends in the classroom. We promote healthy eating so not too many treats please and definitely no nuts! The children are helped by the class teachers so there is always someone there that they know who will help.
After lunch the children go into continuous provision/ free play and choose where they wish to learn and explore.
Carpet time altogether will focus the learning for the afternoon and then more continuous provision.
After a big tidy up inside and out, we get together for story and songs, ready to go home at 3pm.
Which sessions can I choose for my child?
Families joining our school are entitled to 15 hours free care in our Nursery. You may choose a minimum of 5 morning sessions, or 5 afternoon sessions or you may choose 2 and a half days - it all depends on spaces available, how you feel your little one will cope, and your preferences. You may wish to have your child with us for longer periods.
Whichever hours you prefer, you need to consult Nursery staff before your child starts to ensure there is a space free as this cannot be guaranteed.
If you would like to apply for 30 hours free childcare funding follow this link to find out if you are eligible and what to do :
If you are not eligible for free extra hours, sessions in our Nursery cost £15.00 each ie to attend 9-12pm it costs £15.00 as does attending 12pm-3pm.